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CUBaC aims to keep in touch by sending out a termly email newsletter and hosting an 'Old Boys' Alumni event once a year.


The event consists of a match, in which we pit youth against experience, and a formal dinner. The 2022 event was a great success - current students were joined by alumni who played in CUBaC 50 years ago for a dinner at Selwyn College (see photo).

The next event will be held on Saturday 11th May 2024! See all details, including signup information, here!

Alumni are also welcome join us for training on an exceptional basis (if, for example, you're passing by), just notify a captain in advance.

Keeping in touch

We send our termly newsletter through Cambridge University Development & Alumni Relations (CUDAR). To ensure you don't miss our news, log in and update your preferences to receive communications from 'Clubs & Societies'.

In addition, we recommend joining the CUBaC database of alumni. Alumni on this list can be contacted quickly, useful on the day of the 'Old Boys' Alumni event, for example. To join, simply fill out the Google form below.

We also have a Facebook group for alumni, which is intended to facilitate meetups and badminton games between alumni who live close to each other.

Giving back

The Club relies on annual subscriptions (£195 in 2021-22) from Main Squad members to fund our court fees, shuttles, and transport to matches. CUBaC is highly diverse, with many of our skilled players hailing from international and state-school backgrounds. We fear that this high fee discourages many new students who face this expense within their first two weeks at the University. Therefore, in 2020 we launched a hardship fund, with the goal of offering a bursary to those who can demonstrate need. If you are able and would like to donate to this fund you can do so with Gift Aid using the link below.

We will endeavor to update alumni on our fundraising efforts through our newsletter.

© 2023 Cambridge University Badminton Club

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